RedHat Enterprise Virtualization Simulation

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Overview
  3. This update package ships an Web simulation of a RedHat Enterprise Virtualization server.

  4. Prerequisites
  5. To run this simulation, you must have installed the following optional modules as documented in the online documentation:

    • WEB Services

  6. Usage
  7. To run the simulation, invoke the File->Open menu from the MIMICView GUI, and select the rhev.cfg file.

    Select agent 1 and change its IP address, if necessary. Start it using the Agent->Start menu item.

    After the agent starts completely and turns into green, you can test the WEB Services simulation by using any WEB Services client application.

  8. Compatibility
  9. RHEV-M Browser
    Version 3.3.2 IE 8.0 (default Windows2000 R2 browser)
    Firefox 2.0 (default Fedora8 browser)
    Extensive testing with RHEV-M:

    The Agent->Statistics menu can be used to check various statistics for the WEB Services protocol in use. Also the mimiclog for the active session will contain useful debug information.